Elite Matchmaking is a matchmaking service that has been in business for 22 years. The company operates in Beverly Hills, Houston, San Diego, San Francisco, Boston, Orange County, Fort Lauderdale. With ConservativesOnly.com you can find someone who shares your ideas and values and experience the love of your life.
Breakout discussions on steroids. Hosts can specify a few topics, or let the audience create their own. People can jump from one topic to another, and get matched to a group of 3-8 people discussing that topic.
You can host panel discussions with up to 8 speakers. Add polls, music, or share screen to make the sessions more interactive.
Matchmaking Near Liberal Shows
Host office hours, Q&A, meet and greet. Audience can 'grab mic' to come to the stage and interact with speakers in person.
Matchmaking Near Liberal Colleges
Matchmaking Near Liberal Group
Turn on speed networking mode for mixer, happy hours, and matchmaking. You can set up multiple networking sessions at the same time, or specify matching criteria.
Matchmaking Near Liberal University
You can stream YouTube videos, or upload a video of your own for people to watch together. Hosts can pop up whenever they want in the middle to share reactions, add commentaries and control where people should be watching.