We are all in search of true love and many people use social Housewives Of Speed Dating In Mi City networks and dating sites to increase their chances and find their soul mate. Even though this method has many advantages, however, there is one minus. Bravo and their one of many Real Housewives sued by ticked off businessman. George Page, CEO of social networking site GotADemo, is suing Bravo and NBC, claiming they showed an 'unflattering portrayal' of him at a speed dating night in Real Housewives of Atlanta after promising to edit him out.
Taking the kids to the King Tut exhibit was a good idea. My kids really had a great time and learned a little history at the same time, always a plus!
OMG, I thought the speed-dating scene was absolutely hilarious! Unfortunately all of my feelings really show in the expressions on my face, I have always been told this but I thought people were exaggerating ... not at all! LOL. I know the girls meant well and I applaud them on their efforts to find me a date, but no love connection was made that night. That was my first speed dating experience and I must commend the guys for doing this on TV. It's already intimidating enough to meet someone for the first time and be grilled, let alone in front of cameras. This was a lot of fun and if nothing else I got some great laughs. I can now add speed dating to my list of things I have experienced!
Til next time,